Hi Everyone
If you’ve missed my regular Thursday posts, please accept my apologies and know I’ve missed you too. Unfortunately, shortly after coming home from Spain I got an infection in my tear duct and my right eye. It has not been a pretty sight to say the least! But more than that it’s been very uncomfortable and problematic, although mostly resolved for now. The upshot is I’m going into hospital at the end of October for surgery - which will hopeful resolve the problem and should be (fingers crossed) fairly straightforward.
I hope you understand that in the circumstance I’m taking a break until it’s all sorted out. I should be back mid to late November. All being well, I’m still hoping to run my free memoir workshop at the Weardale Wordfest.
In the meantime please keep the faith, I will be back, and on that note do read this wonderful post -On Keeping the Faith, from artist Sam Clarke - on the creative life and on what practice means.
‘…sustaining a life of creativity is a marathon, not a sprint. And just like running a marathon, there will be times when you’re tired, when you’re twenty miles in and feel like giving up, when you wondered what on earth possessed you to start in the first place, when you have to really dig deep to find the motivation to keep going…’
As always - thanks for reading
Avril x
PS Below a peek at the cover of the new collection of Short Stories by Women, from Linen Press
I hope all goes well 🙏
Take good care of yourself! 💐 xx